Whiskey-inspired baby names
Whiskey bottles, believe it or not, actually have plenty of baby name inspiration printed right on their labels. Check out how many names we were able to come up with just by looking at a few! An...
View ArticleMaybe fast food doesn't make kids fat
Fast food obesity myth? It seems to be a commonly held belief that the prevalence of fast food in our society is the main cause of childhood obesity. A new study seems to suggest otherwise. What if...
View ArticleGifts that won't piss parents off
Sometimes I wish I could be down with Barbies and mini pink computers and whatever else is being marketed to our kids these days. It would certainly make parental life easier. I’m really picky when it...
View ArticleWhat you need to know about the measles outbreak
Photo credit: RidvanArda/iStock/360/Getty Images Protect your family against measles Cases of measles are popping up in some of this country's largest cities. Here's what you need to know about this...
View ArticleToddler nail biting: What does it mean?
We usually associate nail biting with older kids, but toddlers can pick up this habit, too. What should you do if your toddler bites his nails, and why is he doing it in the first place? Photo credit:...
View ArticleWhen a vasectomy is the answer
Closing the baby-making doors is a hard decision to make, and for some families, vasectomies are the favored option. What is the real deal with this form of permanent birth control, and why do some...
View ArticleWhy imaginative play is more important than you think
Photo credit: KidStock/Blend Images/Getty Images "Imaginative play helps us... make sense of the world..." Having a good imagination is part of childhood, but you might be surprised to learn that...
View ArticleBusy moms know there's no such thing as balance
Photo credit: Goodshoot/Goodshoot/360/Getty Images In the pursuit of an optimal balance between career and family, many moms are discovering that they enjoy neither. Here's how to regain your sense of...
View Article12 Adorable baby books your kids can read together
1 Toot by Leslie Patricelli Who isn’t amused by bodily functions? This bald baby certainly is. Kitty toots, fishy toots, doggy toots and even daddy and mommy toot. We think Toot is a hoot! (Amazon,...
View ArticleBaby names that start with A
Boy and girl baby names that start with the letter A are excellent choices for moms and dads. From classic choices like Anna and Andrew to quirky monikers like Arya and Abram, these baby names will...
View ArticleCeleb bump day: Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson, Savannah Guthrie, JWoww
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Looks like the Blackberry is finally replaced with an iPhone. Lol. <a...
View Article5 Reasons you need to chill out already
Anxious moms raise anxious kids All of your over-thinking and perfectionism is doing your kids more harm than good. Look, we get it. Motherhood is the land of stress and anxiety. And frankly, it makes...
View ArticleMom diagnosed with cancer within minutes of giving birth
Jenna Hinman, 26, was rushed to a nearby hospital when, at 31 weeks pregnant, she developed severe shortness of breath. Doctors immediately made the decision to deliver the twin babies via emergency...
View ArticleFirst day of spring crafts for kids
Bird's nest craft Supplies: Paper bowl Brown paint Paintbrush Brown construction paper Scissors Blue pom-poms Blue feathers Black construction paper Yellow construction paper Hole punch Glue...
View ArticleThe worst TV shows for kids
Some of the television programs that air on kid-friendly stations are not so good for kids after all. Help your kids steer clear of these bad influences. Don't let your kids watch this SpongeBob...
View ArticleUse tax season to teach kids about financial responsibility
Photo credit: David Sacks/Digital Vision/Getty Images We teach our kids everything from tying their shoelaces to clearing their plates from the dinner table, but have you taught your kids anything...
View ArticleWoman gets slap on the wrist for sex with 8-year-old
Photo credit: Jupiterimages/Photos.com/360/Getty Images When a judge in the U.K. sentenced 21-year-old Loren Morris with only 12 months of prison time, he said, "I have come to the conclusion that due...
View ArticleCelebrity moms’ first tweets: Twitter turns 8
Before celebrity moms like Kim Kardashian had over 20 million followers and we started speaking hashtag like it’s a new language, Twitter was just starting out. Check out the very first tweets of some...
View ArticleWorst celebrity baby names 2013
The worst of 2013 Just say no to these baby names Celebrities are notorious for giving their children weird baby names — and several famous parents of 2013 proved to be no exception. What do you think...
View ArticleIs sex education going too far?
Sex education should be informative, but the kinds of information shared can really vary from school to school. Do you know what your kids are being taught? Keep sex ed basic and informative Sex...
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