Kanye West announced during his Atlantic City show on Sunday night that Kim Kardashian is expecting. News spread like wildfire and celebrities from Russell Simmons to Kim's sisters Khloe and Kourtney have been expressing their excitement about Kim Kardashian's pregnancy on Twitter.
What they are saying
Khloé Kardashian Odom wrote: "Keeping secrets is hard with so many family members! Especially when you are so freaking excited!!!!! LOVE is everything!!!!"
Kourtney Kardashian also tweeted: "Been wanting to shout from the rooftops with joy and now I can! Another angel to welcome to our family. Overwhelmed with excitement!"
Khloe's husband Lamar Odom said on Twitter: "I'm excited for Kanye and my sister! There's nothing like bringing life into this world! Let's keep Gods blessings coming!"
E! News has also confirmed the news with the Kardashian family. Kim is said to be about 12 weeks pregnant.
This will be the first child for the couple, who have been dating since April. We can't wait to find out what they'll name the baby. We are betting it will start with K.
Congratulations to the happy twosome!
Image: WENN.com
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