Wondering what to buy for a child with Sensory Processing Disorder? Don’t stress out. Kids with sensory issues love toys that stimulate without being over-stimulating. Try one of these four fun and therapeutic toys.
Toys that feel good
If you're not sure what Sensory Processing Disorder is, don't feel guilty. Even parents raising kids with Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD, are often overwhelmed by the scope of the disorder.
Every child with SPD presents unique challenges, but these four gifts will help you get an idea of the types of toys that provide therapeutic fun for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder or sensory issues.
Hone fine motor skills
Many children with sensory issues struggle with fine motor skills. As with any skill, practice makes perfect. Developmental toys that encourage children to practice fine motor tasks help incorporate therapy into playtime. Shop for toys that involve precision, such as Lego building sets or beading projects. Art sets are also great for fine motor skills, especially for children who need to work on proper pencil grip.
Try: The Crayola Color Explosion Glow Board from Crayola helps fine motor skills.Develop gross motor skills
Occupational therapy for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder consists of therapeutic play to help kids improve sensory integration. Gross motor skills include simple activities like jumping, running and catching a ball. Shop for toys that get kids active and moving. Skip anything too complicated and look for basic items such as large bouncy balls, dance music for kids and play forts.
Try: Go old school with Twister for a game that encourages kids to move and cooperate.
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Stimulate the senses
When you're shopping for toys that promote sensory integration, try checking in with parents first to get some basic ideas. What one child finds soothing, another might find distressing. You don't have frame the question with mention of the child's sensory issues. Just ask what she likes and dislikes. Mini trampolines, rocking toys and swings are usually great and very therapeutic for kids with SPD.
Try:Scooter Boards help kids develop balance and spatial awareness.
Calm and soothe
Have you ever felt fidgety or bitten your nails? Many kids with SPD fidget as a means of tactile stimulation or to calm and focus. Look for toys that kids can fidget with, like small moving puzzle toys that spin or twist. In this case, skip purely therapeutic toys like chewable jewelry that might embarrass a child when presented as a gift. For younger kids, shop for plush toys with weight and texture.
Try: The Cozy Plush Buddy the Monkey can be warmed up in the microwave at bedtime.
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