Collier Hart was born in July and has spent his whole life in his hospital's neonatal intensive care unit. It would be a heart-wrenching experience for any parent, so when Halloween came around, his father, Eric Hart, saw an opportunity to find a little extra courage.
Seeing his son tied up in tubes and hooked up to monitors, Hart got the idea to make him into a little Iron Man. Hart had previously been a prop maker, so he put his skills to work and documented the process of making a tiny, little Iron Man costume for a brief photo session in the hospital.
Hart told he just wanted to show it to some family and friends, but the video of his costume-making and the incredibly sweet outcome ended up going viral, and people around the world sent Hart their encouragement and well wishes.
Collier will remain in the hospital for the foreseeable future, but he now has an incredible gift: His small life has touched people around the world thanks to his parents' creativity. How many 6-month-olds can say that?
Warning: Even if you're not the type to cry at stuff like this, this video hits hard for some reason. Maybe it's Collier's sweet little face or the love and care his parents put into this special moment. Whatever the reason, it's a doozy.
Iron Man Baby
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