Yes, you did just read this. Jessa Duggar, who has made recent headlines because she got engaged, posted a lengthy diatribe on her Instagram account about her recent visit to the museum, where she first somehow compares the Holocaust to evolution (it's eugenics, Jessa, and you think evolution is garbage anyway, right?), and then she talks about her pro-life beliefs and how it's all the same.
Duggar abortion comments
Despite the incorrect comments about evolution, it honestly sounds OK there toward the end: "May we never sit idly by and allow such an atrocity to happen again. Not this generation." Because yes, of course. But then we get to the end and the #ProLife hashtag. Did she seriously just compare the Holocaust to abortion? Yes, yes she did.
I have read many books on the Holocaust, and it's horrifying. You cannot read the accounts and see the photos of what went on and not be heartbroken. And I don't understand how someone can visit a museum dedicated to the memory of millions of innocent people who were tortured, starved and slaughtered, and think, "I'll use this as an abortion talking point because it's the same thing. Everyone will love that."
It's no secret that I'm no fan of the Duggar clan and their mega-conservative ways. Since the couple had scads of children and took over our televisions, they have continued to maintain a hold on the public consciousness by continuing to add on to their family tree and to be politically incorrect asshats. The matriarch recently raised my ire by claiming that transgender women were really pedophiles in disguise because they want to prey on our daughters. And it's obvious that their 19 apples don't fall too far from their solidly set tree, as Jessa is proving.
Jessa Duggar comes across as completely clueless, and I can't say I'm not surprised after she's been raised by her parents. As one commenter on her Instagram photo points out, "this is why the world laughs at americans.. because of idiots like this." I'm dreading what the other kids will come up with as they grow and get platforms of their own. As a public figure, her words do carry a lot of weight. It's sad that these are the words she's choosing to use.
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