Moms in the media are well-dressed, made up and picture-perfect. In real life, moms don't fit into cookie-cutter ideals. We asked mothers to share real images that express the identity of motherhood. What does being a mom mean to you?
Explore what it means to be mom
Tired of seeing the same sanitized images of motherhood over and over? We looked past advertisements and stock photography to find real photos of moms, from hectic moments to heartfelt embraces. Find out why these women chose the photos they did.
Writing a new narrative
"Prior to becoming a mom, all my parenting narratives were shaped by June Cleaver and Maria Von Trapp. I'm seven years in, and I've come to realize, it's the pants off, make-it-up-as-I-go Dick Van Dyke and Lucille Ball moments that count the most," says Brittany Gibbons. "They're the most fun."
Carrying the weight
"Because of my husband's work, I spend most of my time mothering alone, carrying the 'weight' of both boys however I can," says Rebecca Bahret. "I may not always do it gracefully, but it always gets done — and we usually have fun along the way."
Getting strong
"I am a fit for roller derby because it is a continual challenge, it is all about female athletes displaying their power and a girl has to have an outlet at the end of the day," says Jasmine Banks. "Why not smash into people?"
"This is from our first family photos just barely more than a month after meeting my son in Samoa where he was born," says Brooke Randolph. "I hadn't planned on being photographed too but I'm so glad my friend insisted."
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Finding joy together
"It's one of my favorite shots of my family — because it is difficult for me to separate my role as a mother without including my husband," says Karen Walrond. "I love these people like crazy, and they make me joyful, which I think shows in the shot."
Always learning
"For this picture I was a super new mom. And this was also my wedding anniversary. I guess I was just happy and hopeful," says Cri Kosti. "She was so new. I've definitely changed as a mother. I'm more confident but also aware that I don't have all the answers."
Nursing strength
"Motherhood takes patience, kindness and love," says Mandy Allender. "Breastfeeding has taken more of all three than I knew I had, and left me stronger than I knew I could be. Plus, every nap is kind of like a gift," she adds.
Smiling through stress
"Sometimes humor is the only way I can get through the stresses of parenting," says Michelle Maffei. "Beats being frazzled all the time and it gets my kids to do what I actually want them to do, even if it takes a bit longer to get done. Besides, laughing is way more fun than yelling!"
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Laughing at the chaos
"I see me tired but laughing at the chaos," says Kelly Griffin. "That pretty much sums me up as a mom."
Embracing patience
"Patience, love, and understanding that there will be hard days and harder days but in the end it will all be worth it," says Mindy DeRosa.
Keeping up
"Our kids are so full of life and energy and love," says Mary Fetzer, "and I've been really tired for 16 years."
Remembering to laugh
"We keep things with a hefty dose of humor at my house," says Becky. "We try not to take things too seriously, and always remember to have fun!"
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Living with purpose
"Time with my girls has to focus on their whole person — emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual," says Holly Novotny. "That means we've gotta have fun whether we are learning, exercising or worshipping. These two interesting people bring a new perspective to the meaning of purposeful living."
Being amazed
"To me this illustrates not only the sweet aspect of snuggling my newborn, but the safety my arms provide as a mom," says Tara D'Angelo. "Three years later they still provide that, and that makes me feel like a mom."
"This photo represents all of who I am as a mom — multitasker, a bit tired, very grateful, happiest with one boy under each arm, not very fancy, providing love, soft snugglie spots and hair-twirling for both kids whenever they need it," says Caroline Jorgenson. "My boys are both in elementary school now but, on any given evening after a long tiring day, you might still find the three of us like this — minus the bottle"
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Experiencing wonder
"I've always wanted to be a mom — even as a kid, if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up my answer was usually a mom or a paleontologist," says Emily Genest. "The paleontology thing never happened, but this past fall motherhood happened and so far it is everything I hoped and dreamed it would be. I love nothing more than to watch my son experience new things — in this case, snow."
Staying the same
"This pic represents my identity because I'm dressed much the way as I always have," says Tracey Steer, "since motherhood hasn't changed me on the outside so very much — I don't worry about fitting in with the 'mom-set.' Jeans, some kind of black top, and boots — chic and practical for my city lifestyle, and it's a 'take no prisoners' kind of uniform which is perhaps how I parent... but I've got all the pretty on underneath (believe it) because that's also very me. But I'm much friendlier in person."
"This represents me as a mom who believes in open and honest communication with my son," says Roxanne Piskel. "When he's unsure about a situation — as he appears to be in this photo — I am always right there with him, guiding him and informing him so that he can make good choices."
Always working
"I'm ridiculously lucky and grateful to work from home and be there for my kids' small moments at the same time," says Galit Breen. "But working from home also means that the two roles mix and meld, and that 'quiet work time' is hard to come by!"
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