It’s hard to argue that Easter crafts are some of the cutest holiday crafts that you can make, and these cute Easter animal crafts are no exception! Gather the kids this Easter and have some fun with these three adorable craft ideas.
Feathery chick craft
What you'll need:
- 5-inch Styrofoam ball
- 6-foot yellow feather boa
- craft glue
- scissors
- googly eyes
- orange felt
What you'll do:
- Glue one end of the feather boa to the Styrofoam ball.
- Start wrapping the feather boa around the Styrofoam ball. Glue it in place every few inches.
- Once the entire ball is covered by the feather boa, trim off any extra length from the feather boa, and glue the end of the boa to the Styrofoam ball.
- Cut out a triangle from the orange felt to make the beak and glue it upside down to the ball.
- Glue two googly eyes above the beak.
- Cut out two feet from the orange felt and glue them toward the bottom of the ball.
Bunny cup craft
What you'll need:
- white paper or plastic cup
- white craft foam
- pink craft foam
- googly eyes
- white pipe cleaner
- glue
- scissors
- marker
What you'll do:
- Cut out two long, skinny ovals from the white craft foam to make the ears.
- Cut two smaller ovals from the pink craft foam. Glue the pink craft foam over the top of the white craft foam.
- Once the glue has dried, turn the cup upside-down and glue the ears to the back of the cup.
- Cut out four pieces of white pipe cleaner that are each 1-1/2-inches long. Glue the pipe cleaners to the center of the cup to form the whiskers, two on each side.
- Cut out a triangle from the pink craft foam. Glue the triangle upside-down over the top of the whiskers to form the bunny's nose.
- Glue two googly eyes above the nose.
- Draw a mouth on the bunny below the nose with the marker.
Cotton ball lamb craft
What you'll need:
- paper plate
- cotton balls
- craft glue
- black construction paper
- scissors
- googly eyes
- black marker
What you'll do:
- Glue cotton balls to the paper plate until the paper plate is completely filled in with cotton balls.
- On the back of the construction paper, draw an oval with two smaller ovals attached to form the sheep's head and ears.
- Cut out the head and ears, turn it over and glue two googly eyes to the front. Draw a nose and mouth on the sheep's head and then glue the head to the paper plate.
- Cut four rectangles from the construction paper to make the sheep's legs. Glue them to the bottom of the plate.
- Cut out a small oval from the black construction paper, and glue it to the back of the sheep to form the tail.
Image credit: Amy Vowles
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